Thursday, September 4, 2008

Of Shotguns and Shotgun Weddings

Not Meg Whitman?
“I put it on E-bay.”
-- Sarah Palin on what she did with the governor’s plane

Drill, Baby, Drill!
And they said Invesco Field at Mile High was going to look like Nuremberg?

By the Numbers
Capacity at Invesco Field for Obama: 84,000

Capacity at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul: 20,000

Population of Alaska: 670,000

Population of Wasilla, Alaska: 7,000

McCain: Age 72

Palin: Age 44. At time of inauguration, she'll have two babies in the household, one a newborn and one with special needs; four other children; and, apparently, a new son-in-law, as well.

Heartbeats away: 1

Potential heartburn cases: 303,000,000

A Noun, a Verb and 9/11
The thing about Giuliani is, he and Spitzer are way too similar for my taste -- particularly in the hypocrisy department. He’ll never live down the no-bid Motorola phone contract. Nor should he.

My Campaign 2008 Bobbleheads
Sarah Palin’s parents. Chuck and Sally Heath of Wasilla, Alaska. Whooda thunk.
