Tuesday, September 9, 2008

GOP's Veep Scares The It Outta Me

The following is my emailed response to a friend telling me that her educated, well-paid sons-in-law remain dedicated to the GOP ticket.

"Palin scares the beMoses outta me. But at least now I know what the devil looks like. Tina Fey, chickadaboom. A creationist? A FLIPPIN’ CREATIONIST? Is this how the Bills & Bobs of the world think their kids will be prepared as adults? If so, they better start teaching ‘em to say, 'Would you like rice with that?'"

On why a feminist daughter voted for Obama:

"I understand her choice. It’s about change, the future and grassroots. Even so, I wanted a wonk in there who knows where all the skeletons are hiding and how to access the inner passageways. Oh well, maybe Obama will send Hillary to the bench. Hope so! I think that’s where we need her the most. Kick royal *ss to get the Constitution back where it belongs. Poor baby’s been on life support for too dam* long. Oy veyyyyyyyyy…I remember when America was a free-speech zone. Hmm, I think I may have my next blog posting right here."
