Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What? Me a Dem?

It may surprise you to learn…no, I’m not. I was raised in a modest Midwest suburban home with Democratically inclined parents, but I am neither a Reep nor a Dem. Not a Greenie or a Libertarian. Nor a Socialist or a Communist or an anarchist. I’m just an independent -- a Decline To State, according to California -- voting every election according to my values and the issues at hand.

Of course, that doesn't stop me from quoting Will Rogers every chance I get: “I am not a member of any organized party. I am a Democrat.” Isn’t that the truth even today, some 73 years after he wrote it.

One should also not assume that my preferred ticket is in the running. It is not. In fact, neither of the top two tickets in play made my Top Ten List.

Oh, okay, I'll share just one that did: Hillary Rodham Clinton and Martha Stewart. Can you think of two more capable people? I don’t think the Universe can throw anything at ‘em that they couldn’t handle. Cost effectively and with style, no less.